The East Coast Gathering III
May 9-11, 1997

On the weekend of May 9-11, 1997, over 30 Dodge Stealths and Mitsubishi 3000GTs took over the town of Ocean City, MD. Some early arrivals met on Friday but Saturday was the real thing. Everyone arrived at Barrett Motors and lined up and showed off their "pride and joy." After that, we took over a local McDonalds, wandered around town a bit, looking for where to line up for the parade. We were then the grand finale and star attraction of the parade. 30 cars participated. After that we drove about to various places and took lots of pictures. Most of us then went to a dead-end road about a 1/4 mile long and ran for the money, well, to see who could hit the fasted speed by the time they reached the radar (compliments of Nav). Top TT speed was 71 mph and top non-TT was 65 mph. The distance was about 150 yards. After that we drove around a little more. About 8 of us went out on a straight stretch of highway and did our own radar detector test. Nav and I had fun slowing people down with the radar gun. Turns out the Valentine One was about the only one that detected the gun from any respectable distance, others didn't alarm til they were right beside us (that's real useful...). The next event was the all-you-could-possibly-stuff-yerself-with buffet. MMM-MMM-GOOD! Everyone had a great time trading stories and jokes. Awards and gimme's were given. Most people then went outside to see the spectacular light show in my car. Then groups of people went different ways to hang out. Some folks had headed home. Sunday, a small group met for breakfast then went wandering about. It was an amazingly gorgeous day! We ended up with 7 cars and lined up and took some pictures and made our own video commercials with Nick and Tom's video camera.

Anyway, as many of the List folks know, I love to take pictures and this weekend was no exception. And now that I have my scanner, I scanned a lot of them in. Below is a big index of them all (an image-map). Just click on the one you want to see and it will load, then click the back button to get back to this page. I tried to scan as many of the cars as I could and the individual shots from Sunday are all there. The images range from 15-40k in size so load pretty quickly.

So take a few minutes and relive (for those that were there) or just image the weekend we all had!

Links to other sites with East Coast Gathering pictures
Chuck Monfradi's home page
Jimmy Mafucci's page
Nick's home page

Send me an email with any comments or questions!

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Page set up May 20, 1997.